Universal WRGB 1200 Settings


New member
Jan 21, 2025
Yesterday I received my Chihiros Unviersal WRGB 1200 and now I am a bit nervous about the settings because I would like to avoid algae growth.

My Tank: Juwel Rio 240, set up a month ago using plants from previous tank, but not yet fully planted. New plants coming tomorrow.

I would like to know what could be the precise setting now (for every colour) and where I should aim to.

My plants now: Rotola Blood red, Sessiliflora, Vallisneria, Anubias, Cryptocorine.

Tomorrow I'll add: differnt cryptocorines (also flamingo), Hemiantus Callitrichoides Cuba, Nimphaea Tiger Lotus Red, Echinodorus Bleheri.

Thank you,
Ian from Italy
You can start with 20%-30% for WRGB channels.
6-8h per day.
Add about 5% each week for growth.
You can start with 20%-30% for WRGB channels.
6-8h per day.
Add about 5% each week for growth.
I think I am about 50 for Red and less for the others. White 50. (I am not at home right now to check).
It's too much?
What can be the right stable setting at the end?

Thank you
I think I am about 50 for Red and less for the others. White 50. (I am not at home right now to check).
It's too much?
What can be the right stable setting at the end?

Thank you
To avoid algae, starting from 20%-30% is better.
When the tank is mature you can use the Preset mode, slightly adjust each color.