

New member
Dec 21, 2024
I started a dry start for my Iwagumi style aquarium. It’s been only 4 days since I set it up. The product I used is the “Chihiros WRGB II” from your brand. I planted “Hemianthus callitrichoides Cuba” as the plant. However, I’m not sure how to set the correct parameters for the application. Right now, I am using the default setting, “RED,” but everything is at 100%. I’ve been told that this is not correct. How should I adjust the Kelvin value and the ratios of blue, red, and green?

Tank : 90x50x50
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90x50x50cm tank with WRGB II 90 light.
You can start with brightness around 25%(Red, Green and Blue), add about 5% each week for growth.
If you set RGB, no need to set Overall brightness and Kelvin, they will be adjusted automatically accourding to the RGB value you set, but not show.