Yesterday I received my Chihiros Unviersal WRGB 1200 and now I am a bit nervous about the settings because I would like to avoid algae growth.
My Tank: Juwel Rio 240, set up a month ago using plants from previous tank, but not yet fully planted. New plants coming tomorrow.
I would like to know what could be the precise setting now (for every colour) and where I should aim to.
My plants now: Rotola Blood red, Sessiliflora, Vallisneria, Anubias, Cryptocorine.
Tomorrow I'll add: differnt cryptocorines (also flamingo), Hemiantus Callitrichoides Cuba, Nimphaea Tiger Lotus Red, Echinodorus Bleheri.
Thank you,
Ian from Italy
Yesterday I received my Chihiros Unviersal WRGB 1200 and now I am a bit nervous about the settings because I would like to avoid algae growth.
My Tank: Juwel Rio 240, set up a month ago using plants from previous tank, but not yet fully planted. New plants coming tomorrow.
I would like to know what could be the precise setting now (for every colour) and where I should aim to.
My plants now: Rotola Blood red, Sessiliflora, Vallisneria, Anubias, Cryptocorine.
Tomorrow I'll add: differnt cryptocorines (also flamingo), Hemiantus Callitrichoides Cuba, Nimphaea Tiger Lotus Red, Echinodorus Bleheri.
Thank you,
Ian from Italy