Intermittent problem with Series B60 commander automation


New member
May 26, 2024
I'm sure this is brought up daily BUT I couldn't find the exact circumstance after a quick search so....

I have an WRGB Slim II and an a Series B60 connected with the Commander adapter via bluetooth. Both lights are automated via the app, but on occasion the Series B wont automatically turn on/off and at times both not turning on and off. When I notice it, it's an easy fix by just reconnecting in the app and turning it back to manual then back automated (is there a refresh button that I haven't noticed?). Is this because the lights schedule is stored on the app and not the unit itself? Both units have latest firmware.

If someone has any suggestions or a link it would be much appreciated.

This phenomenon is caused by sudden power outage.
Light will lose memory when there is a sudden power outage, need to reconnect the light in the app to sync app time and ssettings.

In future we will release the new Wifi Hub 2 Mate, which could help to store memory via Wifi, no need to worry power issue.