I have the doser since release and its working great. But i notice that after a while the Dosing Tube Holder seems to start leaking.
Result is that it will also drip down the outside of the tank.
I looks like it starts at the connection between the top part and where the tubes get connected. The fluid from dosing (plant ferts, easy-life Potasium, easy-life Carbo) finds a way between the seem.
Once it happend at the first one i tried the second one that came with the package. Just to check if the first one could maybe be broken.
But after a while also the second one started leaking.
So its not the tubes itself that seems to be leaking.
Any experience with this or option i could do?

I have the doser since release and its working great. But i notice that after a while the Dosing Tube Holder seems to start leaking.
Result is that it will also drip down the outside of the tank.
I looks like it starts at the connection between the top part and where the tubes get connected. The fluid from dosing (plant ferts, easy-life Potasium, easy-life Carbo) finds a way between the seem.
Once it happend at the first one i tried the second one that came with the package. Just to check if the first one could maybe be broken.
But after a while also the second one started leaking.
So its not the tubes itself that seems to be leaking.
Any experience with this or option i could do?