I have this tank 90x45x45 with a WRGBII-90 with shade .
The tank is mature, CO2 and regular fertilization. Here the picture of the tank.
Now I'm using RGB 65-60-60 for 7 hours+30 min sunrise and sunset . Can I go UP with this % ? Or to avoid algae it's better to stop to 70% per colour maximum ?
Thank you !
I have this tank 90x45x45 with a WRGBII-90 with shade .
The tank is mature, CO2 and regular fertilization. Here the picture of the tank.
Now I'm using RGB 65-60-60 for 7 hours+30 min sunrise and sunset . Can I go UP with this % ? Or to avoid algae it's better to stop to 70% per colour maximum ?
Thank you !