New Setup


New member
Oct 30, 2024

First of all, thank you for your time.

I have a 60 cm x 40 cm x 35 cm (H) hightech aquarium with plants

I installed it 1 week ago. cuba plant in the front row and mini parvula in the back row. I have a WRGB-60 II light

I want to ask you experts;

* how many cm should be the light stand above surface of the aquarium

* How many hours a day the lights should be on

* which mode should it work in

* How should the color settings be

Thank you so much
*Recommend 15-30cm from light to water surface.
*Recommend 6-8h.
*Customize, Manual or Auto as you like.
*Set the channels around 20%, add about 5% each week for growth, when it's mature use the preset mode like Red, Green, Buce...Slightly adjust.