Issue with light settings RGB VIVID2


New member
Oct 3, 2024
Hello, today i wanted to light up my two VIVID2, paired in a group, from 50 to 60%. But the new settings will not be hold in the memory. Every time I have been set a new automation, the lights goes to 0%. I want to stress, in the weeks before, the automation functions as it should. Now, I tried to set a custom light setting. But the forecast lighten the VIVIDS from 0 to 100%, totally equal which setting I choose before. I think I need a little support, thanks a lot in advance.
Hello again, my attempt to save a custom profile and load it again leads to the same strange behavior - the lights goes to 0%. Manually, i can set a specific light, but that is not really an suitable option.
Hello, i found the reason of the issue. Both lamps named identically, though I set up with unequal names at the first setup. I do wonder why this happened, but everything is fine again. Nevertheless, two screenshots attached.


  • auto.jpg
    83.2 KB · Views: 3
  • custom.jpg
    115.8 KB · Views: 3
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