B60 no RGB control


New member
Feb 21, 2024
Why can't I control the RGB setings?
In the app i can only control intensity of white light. I bought it as an RGB lamp it says RGB on the box, but only white light turns on. Can't even control temperature of white light just intensity. Am I missing something?
Why can't I control the RGB setings?
In the app i can only control intensity of white light. I bought it as an RGB lamp it says RGB on the box, but only white light turns on. Can't even control temperature of white light just intensity. Am I missing something?
B-series cannot control channels individually. You can only adjust their total power.
But if there's no control it'll always be white? Or does it have sunrise/sunset features?
Since the RGB crystals in the LED are located very close to each other, there is a great color mixing and you see white, but nevertheless, it is an RGB LED.

But if there's no control it'll always be white? Or does it have sunrise/sunset features?

You can use the sunrise and sunset function, but you will not be able to control the temperature of the light on this model. The following series can do this, for example - WRGB II, WRGB II SLIM, WRGB II PRO, C2 RGB, RGB VIVID.