A II 401 & AII 501 settings


Oct 24, 2024
Good morning everyone, a pleasure to be here, I am writing to you from Italy, a question I have an a II 401 on a 35 liter dennerle tank pro with easy plants, with a betta, in your opinion how much power should I give in percentage? definitive time 4 pm / 00 am 8 hours with 1 hour of sunrise and 1 hour of sunset, can it be ok in your opinion? you? while I have an a II 501 on a tank pro 70 liters net 50l in your opinion which settings? time equal to the 401, thank you very much
Time period recommend 6-8h.
Light settings you can start from 20%-30% if it's a newly planted tank, add 5% each week for growth, end around 80% when it's mature.
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Time period recommend 6-8h.
Light settings you can start from 20%-30% if it's a newly planted tank, add 5% each week for growth, end around 80% when it's mature.
thanks, with these settings, so I have 6 hours of light right? 1 hour of sunrise and 1 hour of sunset, is that not enough?
È possibile modificare le impostazioni.
Impostare al di sotto di 6500k.
this is my aquarium, how can i set it to 6500k? how much should i set the intensity? After 4 weeks, filamentous algae appeared at 50% intensity, thank you very much

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this is my aquarium, how can i set it to 6500k? how much should i set the intensity? After 4 weeks, filamentous algae appeared at 50% intensity, thank you very much

If it has algae at intensity 50%, just low the percentage.
Use brush or algae scraper to clean the tank, change water, add some shrimps.
ok thanks, in your opinion the right setting for my 50 liter net tank height 36 cm length 50 cm depth 39 with Limnophila sessiliflora, hygrophyla rosanervig, ludwigia repens, anubias, bucelaphandra, cryptocoryne, hydrocotyle tripartita, I don't have co2, I have a betta and 7 espei rasboras, what percentage at the end of maturation? I have an AII 501 thank you very much
There is no exact percentage, it differs from tank situation.
You can try to adjust and change the percentage to see which is the best for your tank.