Huge Problem with my WRGB II Pro 120


New member
Apr 7, 2024
hi, since 2 years i have the wrgb 2 pro 120 cm led and i am really happy with it.

recently i wanted to change the led-settings, then the colours was going crazy, ending in a red light, that is blinking.

now it is constantly blinking red after a few seconds, nothing more is happening.

i can do nothing against it. i tried to change colours, reset setting, disconnect and reconnect, turned of the power, nothing works.

i realized, that the power adapter is also blinking like the led is doing, the same way.

also there came a smell out of the power adapter / blue-tooth-controller (i am not sure) that smelled like battery.

can u please help me with that? this led costed me a lot of money and i dont want to change it after just 2 years.

here is a video:

thanks a lot, best regards.

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Plug out the bluetooth controller, would the power adapter flickers again?
If not and the green indicator light keeps solid, the bluetooth controller broke.
You can replace a bluetooth controller.
Hi, thank you for the fast answer. I can not try it without the Bluetooth Controller, because there are different Plugin types (See Picture 1). so i cannot put the power adapter directly into the led light (or?).


But i realised now, that the bluetooth- Controller seems to broke (2nd Picture). yesterday it was really hot and i believe, it was the thing that smelled like battery.


what do you think?
i changed the bluetooth controller and it fixes the problem. thank you very much!

is it normal, that the controller must be changed after a few years?