Recent content by Morilot

  1. M

    Choosing light

    I have a 540L aquarium 150x60x60 What light do you recommend? Its a fully planted tank.
  2. M

    B60 no RGB control

    If that had been clearly communicated I would probably not have bought the light.
  3. M

    B60 no RGB control

    But if there's no control it'll always be white? Or does it have sunrise/sunset features?
  4. M

    B60 no RGB control

    So it's not an RGB-lamp then? I only have white diodes on.
  5. M

    B60 no RGB control

    Why can't I control the RGB setings? In the app i can only control intensity of white light. I bought it as an RGB lamp it says RGB on the box, but only white light turns on. Can't even control temperature of white light just intensity. Am I missing something?