Recent content by antoniskoutsouras97

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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    Ble scanner cant find it after 24h . Its certainly a blue tooth controller problem. Why you say i can try buy a new one if you think otherwise? Shameful support for a company that tries to be high end
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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    I do this every other day and sometimes even after that it doesnt work. It doesnt show up in my phone. Can you send me a new bluetooth unit?
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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    Today after i restart my phone, after unpluging the light. Delete and redownload the app i cant use the light. Maybe the worst bluetooth device i had use in years. Very disappointed for a light so expensive.
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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    I know that this is the light. The problem is that sometimes it works sometimes not. And i have to restart the phone and the light. Will the wifi hub 2 make our lifes easier?
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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    Can someone maybe help me?
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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    Yes and yes. Bith bluetooth open. Gps and location open. I test with both phones. I also have co2 bluetooth and fertilization pump on chihiros app. Those 2 work great
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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    I also try with a second device and i still cant connect.
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    Wrgb 60 bluetooth problem

    I ve bought a wrgb 60 10th edition from your site. The Bluetooth works for about 24hours and the i need to unplug it from power and plug it again for it to work again. The light works fine but i cant use the Bluetooth to change setting from the app.
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    New devices and new wifi hub

    Are new lights and dosing pumps going to be released too?
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    New devices and new wifi hub

    Hi and happy new year. I am planing on buying a wrgb light (not pro) a dosing pump and a c02 Bluetooth controller . Is there any way to know if the new wifi hub that you announced on last may will support these devices?
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    Light for 130l aquarium

    Is the wrgb ii (not pro) going to be enough? Also i dont think i am gonna hang it.
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    Light for 130l aquarium

    I ve got an high teck awuarium with c02 and i want to upgrade my light. My awuarium dimensions are L 775 x W 407 x H 460mm . Which is the best option for my tank. I am thinking between wrgb pro 60 and 80. Is the 80 too powerfull? Will the 60 light the corners of the tank?
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    Inline fertilize

    Is there a plan to make inline c02 diffuser and inline fertilize injector compatible again? I saw that you can skew them together only if you have the old ceramic membrane.